Trinamool Congress Party, which has its main power base in West Bengal, launched its party units in the state to contest assembly elections in Goa. Party gave proposal of state party unit president to veteran Goan politician Dr. Wilfred D Souza. The former chief minister of Goa accept the proposal and decided to contest all the 40 constituencies.
Information received from sources also suggests that Dr.Willy is also looking to contest assembly elections from Aldona constituency. Most of the parts of the Saligao constituency where Dr. Willy was leading in votes earlier went to to Aldona constituency after the delimitations. Majority of Christian’s votes also made Dr. Willy to think about this constituency.
Even Bharatiya Janta Party is reportedly considering to frame Glen Ticlo in the Aldona Constituency against the Stitting congress MLA Dayanand Narvekar.
The 85 year old veteran politician started his political career with the Congress party but later left congress to found Goa Rajiv Congress Party. Despite founding the party, Dr. D Souza continued shifting parties and joined NCP heading it for 10 years. He resigned from NCP in 2009 remaining out of active politics for two years and has now joined trinamool congress party. He is the deputy chairman of the state planning board.
Sources suggest that Willfred D Souza was working to provide a political platform to his son in law Tulio D’Souza in the state assembly through congress but NCP Goa observer Bharati Chavan confirmed that Sailgao constituency will remain with NCP. Even the congress party did not seem interested in granting Saligao constituency ticket to Tulio ‘Souza who has lost Zilla panchayat elections against BJP supported candidate Micheal Lobo.
According to the sources Saligao, which is with NCP, is likely to go in the box of Congress. Francisco Colaco who is working hard to get congress ticket in the constituency of Saligao confirmed ticket by the senior leaders of congress. Francisco Colaco is in the news for the DLF project, which is under progress on the top of the Nerul hill. He is been sincerely attending the high level talks of the Congress committee in the state. Even Calangute MLA Agnelo Fernandes who was supporting Jayesh Salgaocar earlier now took u-turn n trying hard for the Colaco. NCP Suresh Parulekar is now out of the options sources claimed.
To put both congress and NCP out of constituency Dr.Willy played a trump card of the trinamool congress, which has alliance with Congress at the Center and in West Bengal, can also continue their alliance in Goa claiming at least one constituency of Saligao, which will keep out NCP and congress out.
If no alliance with congress than tulio willc ontest from Saligoa on trinamool congress symbol.
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