Sunday, 25 March 2012

Tribute to Mathany .

Mathany was a man with a vision. His charisma raised the hopes and expectations of his followers. He focused on reaching out to the masses and offering concrete solutions to their problems. In his ability to understand and resolve peopl’s problems and promote development, Matanhy Saldana perhaps resembled Goa’s first Chief minister Dayanand Bandodkar

Matanhy Saldana believed in direct delivery and mass contact, which he established with a humanitarian approach. Saldana immensely valued people and gained their faith by extending emotional support and motivation to the downtrodden, developing mutual trust, and developing sympathy for them. As a leader, he was easily accessible to the people. 

Similar to Dayanand Bandodkar, Matanhy Saldana was concerned with the upliftment of the fishing community. He inquired from time to time about the needs of the fishermen, visited the houses and huts of the community, and share their grievances humbly sitting down on the floor with the fisher folk.

 Matanhy’s house was always open for the needy and he was easily accessible to the people from all walks of life. People who suffered with CRZ clause looked at him as a savior. With his sudden death fishing and farming community of Goa now feels orphaned. 

Matanhy Saldana had sensed the need for change and devoted his energies to make that change happen. Like Bandonkar he worked selflessly towards the welfare of the people.  The beauty of this man was that he could feel the pulse of the people, worked wholeheartedly for their upliftment and always was and will remain a loving figure for the general populace.
